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Literary Devices Questions and Answers 1. What is the term for a comparison between two unlike things using "like" or "as"? A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Personification D. Hyperbole Correct Answer B. Simile ExplanationA simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two distinct ...
If yes, you must take this general knowledge quiz designed for class 3 students. General knowledge demarcates us from others and helps us carry on any conversation. We will ask you a few questions based on class 3 general knowledge skills in this quiz. ...
you can generate an entire quiz—complete with a welcome screen, questions/answers, outcome screen, etc.—from scratch in under a minute. All you have to do is answer some questions about your industry, target audience, goals, keywords, etc. and Outgrow’s AI will do the rest. ...
Try it risk-free for 30 days Instructions: Choose an answer and hit 'next'. You will receive your score and answers at the end. question 1 of 3 Which of the following is NOT a common challenge students with ADHD face in P.E.? Following directions Sitting through instruction Using...
Have the child play some games on a tablet Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. In your classroom with special needs students, what is the BEST way to help a student transition between activities? Give a special needs student less notice than the other students. ...
they are eliminated, keep them involved by assigning them tasks, such as noting how many questions each student has answered or timing students' answers with a stopwatch. See the link in the Resource section below for software that will help you present this in a fun way for the students....
Here's how you can useMicrosoft Formsto create a math quiz for your students using intelligent suggestions and the math keyboard. Note:This feature is only available if you have aMicrosoft 365 subscription. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber,make sure you have the latest version of...
The NurseThink® NCLEX Quizzing app is packed with over 1,200 clinical-based questions that are essential when developing the level of clinical judgment needed for passing today’s NCLEX®. The clinical judgment focused rationales, for both correct and incorrect answers, provide students the abi...
The NurseThink® NCLEX Quizzing app is packed with over 1,200 clinical-based questions that are essential when developing the level of clinical judgment needed for passing today’s NCLEX®. The clinical judgment focused rationales, for both correct and incorrect answers, provide students the abi...