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A. destro y B. reduce C. increa se D. beat 6.Riche l ieu Apart m ents were smash e d apart as if by a gigan t ic fist, and 26 peopl e peris h ed.A. incarn ate B. die C. increa se D. submit 7.Debri s flew as the livin g-room firep l...
5. Toget her let us explo re the stars , conqu er the deser ts, eradi cate disea se, tap the ocean depth s and encou rage the arts and comme rce. A. cut into many small parts B. go round in circl e C. draw toget her into a small space D. put an end to; destr...
still covered by the mask left on his face. Nabbing Perry's phone, he continued on...until Morella, still somehow alive, grabbed his leg. Roderick lets Dupin know the truth, specifically that the tanks on the roof weren't designed to hold water. In fact, they were placed there to hid...
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