Unconformities are gaps in the rock record due to non-deposition or erosion Unconformities represent periods of time where no new sediment was deposited or where existing rock was eroded, resulting in a gap in the geological record. Relative age is based on the sequence of formation Relativ...
Soil Erosion and Degradation Temperate Forests The Climate Over the Past Two Million Years Tourism Trade and Development 1 Trade and Development 2 Tropical Rainforests Urbanization Water Use and Shortages Weather Forecasting Weathering What is a River? What is a Tundra? Wildlife Cor...
2. Arid area- wind is a powerful agent of erosion and deposition Coastal landscapes Waves- the forcing agent for most coastal processes and landform development and change. wind generates most waves Why are Resources being depleted? Resources are natural exploitable material that society perceives to...
Hjulstrom’sDiagramgraphstherelationshipbetweenparticlesizeandenergyforerosion,transportationanddeposition. ShelfVersusBasinDepths Worldwidedistributionofrecentshelfsedimentsbycompositionisstronglyrelatedtolatitudeandclimate. Calcareousbiogenicsedimentsdominatetropicalshelves. ...
-soils that were largely created by the deposition of sediment from floods of the Mississippi River; these soils are subject to subsidence - tendency to lose actual land and be left with only water/swamp; large floods were needed to recharge these wetlands and prevent them from subsiding too ...
3) Isostasy is a condition of equilibrium where areas are stable and don't uplift or subsidenceUplift and subsidence are sometimes confused with eustaticsea-level changes5)Erosion (response is uplift)- Deposition (response is subsidence)- Compaction (response is subsidence)- Loading and unloading ...
Wind Deposition: this creates dunes, usually made of sand, but snow dunes are also possible. The orientation of the dunes reflects the prevailing wind direction (if there is one), which the shallower slope side facing upwind Dune Migrations-if there is a strong enough prevailing wind direction...
c 10. It is a geologic process where near surface rock or deposits are altered thru chemical action of water, plants and bacteria and the mechanical action of temperature. A. natural deposition C. weathering E. landslide B. metamorphism D. sedimentation ...