giving human characteristics to something non human metaphor a figure of speech involving the direct comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind stanza a "paragraph" of poetry speaker The narrator of the poem (not always the poet)...
The Create with AI tool allows you to generate multiple-choice, circle the answers, chat, or carousel-style interactive quizzes by simply inputting a paragraph of text, simple keywords, or even just a topic title. SC Training’s main features Simple AI quiz generator The Create with AI...
Paragraph 2 (POINT II. First) The ALDC deli did serve as a spatial and temporal extension of Slater Secondary School. Let me give you three reasons why:1. There were significant student security concerns at ALDC deli2. As a response, the school placed supervisory employees in the immediate ...
A.He was frequently troubled by the repair work. B.He needed to strengthen his theoretical knowledge. C.He was very eager to improve his hands-on abilities. D.He wanted to learn the secrets of working wonders. 2. What does the underlined phrase “jump ship” in paragraph 3 probably mean...
[MDN]( The HTML `` element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements. Historically, this has been presented as a horizontal rule or line. While it may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual...
CMJN Exam 2 學習工具 科目 建立 登入 藝術與人文 英語 語言學 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Authenticator 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 verify what info is reliable. Works with audiences to sort through these diff accounts, to know which of the facts they may have encountered they should believe and which to ...
paragraph (文章的)段,节 enquire 询问 preparation 准备(工作),预备;制剂 justice 正义,公正;司法 drip 滴下,漏水;水滴;滴水声 emit 发出,发射;发表 superficial 表面的,肤浅的 recommendation 推荐,推荐信;建议,劝告;优点,长处,可取之处 sole 脚底,鞋底,袜底;单独的,唯一的 folk 人们;家属,亲属;大伙儿,各位...
chapter 1 and 2 26個詞語 mha132 預覽 PSY 3341 Exam 5 78個詞語 Katelyn_Hasse7 預覽 456 ppt 1 的尾巴 37個詞語 yjy_tcl 預覽 AP Psychology Exam Review 160個詞語 Mackenna_Mullins6 預覽 first paragraph 5個詞語 quizlette2401918 預覽 Psychology intelligence quiz 13個詞語 Isabella_sanders67 預覽...
Read the paragraph.Teaching the rambunctious group of canines at the obedience school was a great deal of work, but each instructor took a respite once the dogs were placed in their individual kennels.Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word?vacationbeveragepaymentbreak break 我們有...
英语的paragraph就是从希腊人的这个习惯作法paragraphos来的。 Comma 逗号 英语里有许多语法术语是从希腊语来的。Comma一词来自希腊语的komma,意思是"分开之点",即短暂停顿的符号。 Period 句号 英语的"句号"叫period或 fullstop.Period来逢希腊语的periodus,意思是"周期","循环",period至今仍保留着这层意思。到...