taking some training courses so as to find a better job because she will be unable to feed herself onceshequitsherjob. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 要鼓勵她自我增值,修讀一些培訓課程來提升 自己,找一份更好的工作,並不是一件容易的事,因為她不做這份工作, 便會“手停口停”。
original licensee quitted the job or departed due to serious illness. legco.gov.hk 後備持牌人的建議是一項方 便營商的措施,在原有持牌人 離職或因 患上 嚴重疾病而離開 時,縮短轉讓牌照的時間,以盡量減少對業務的影響。 legco.gov.hk A mere reference to the possibility of parties reaching an agr...
If your job has lost its luster and you feel like the long hours, pressure and anxiety aren't worth it anymore; you're not alone. Every day, people quit their jobs due to theemotional exhaustion and chronic stressof demanding roles. However, if burnout is causing you to ask, "Should I...
I say this as someone who's been through it. Previous job had really sky rocketed my anxiety. I felt like shit and like I wasn't able to do anything right. About a month in, I knew it was getting worse and that I couldn't go on. So I quit, pretty much then and there, even...
Recruiting, hiring and training employees takes time, effort and money. The longer an employee is with your company, the better they perform their job, making them even more difficult to replace. So, while it is essential for managers to be happy with their employees, it is equally important...
What happens when you want to quit your job, and your job is Being You? At this point, I return to the My Home Office playset and the Vlogger Kit with its wooden ring light and selfie stick. These are tools of performance, too. They’re implements for acting out a parent’s work....
I’m Anthony Korahais, and I used qigong (pronounced "chee gung") to heal from clinical depression, low back pain, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. Today, I'm the director of Flowing Zen, an international organization with students in 48 countries. I've been teaching qigong since 2005, I'...
As most of you know I quit my day job last fall to transition to making a living through my writing. When I was preparing to give my notice, I met a UK-born writer named Robert Wringham, who publishes an […]
quitajob 离职() 例子: quit one's job (without having another one)— 裸辞 quit one's job or responsibiities— 撂挑 (old) quit one's job in a store— 出号 也可见: quit— 退出 · 罢 · 辞去 · 戒除 · 忌 · 一走了之
anxiety, depressionormental health while you are tryingtoquit. amerihealthmercyhp.com amerihealthmercyhp.com 在您戒烟时帮您解决焦虑、抑郁或心理健康问题。 amerihealthmercyhp.com amerihealthmercyhp.com When considering whether to remaininor quittheirjob,younger workers have a much greater interest in...