Of the 144026 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the 动画 The Quintessential Quintuplets*.
Characters Quotes The Quintessential Quintuplets the Movie |105 hits The Quintessential Quintuplets (Series)|Expand List Share ▼ Story Yotsuba, who was saved by her sisters in middle school, swears to hide her feelings for Futaro for her sisters’ sake. In addition, Ichika takes a leave of abs...
View all characters Series ID106146 Media TypeAnime TitleThe Quintessential Quintuplets English TitleThe Quintessential Quintuplets Aliases5-toubun no Hanayome, The Five Wedded Brides Romaji TitleGotoubun no Hanayome Furigana Title五 ご 等分 とうぶん の花嫁 はなよめ ...
Of the 144182 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the anime The Quintessential Quintuplets*.
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Of the 144112 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the anime The Quintessential Quintuplets*.
Of the 144041 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the anime The Quintessential Quintuplets*.
All Characters in The Quintessential Quintuplets* PicCVRomajiJapaneseFuriganaAliases CV: Yoshitsugu MatsuokaFuutarou Uesugi上杉 風太郎 CV: Kana HanazawaIchika Nakano中野 一花 CV: Inori MinaseItsuki Nakano中野 五月 CV: Miku ItouMiku Nakano中野 三玖 ...
动画 角色 Quotes All Characters in The Quintessential Quintuplets the Movie PicCVRomajiJapaneseFuriganaAliases CV: Yoshitsugu MatsuokaFuutarou Uesugi上杉 風太郎 CV: Kana HanazawaIchika Nakano中野 一花 CV: Inori MinaseItsuki Nakano中野 五月 CV: Miku ItouMiku Nakano中野 三玖 ...
Miku Nakanois a character from the 动画The Quintessential Quintuplets. They have been indexed as女性 青少年 with 蓝色 eyes and 褐色 hair that is 齐胸 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别女性 眼睛的颜色蓝色 头发颜色褐色 头发长度齐胸 Apparent Age青少年 ...