quint-,五,essence,精华,实质。一种古代的物质观,世界由水,火,气,土四种基本要素组 成,而第五要素则是将这四种要素有机组合的最重要因素,但是与这四种要素不同的是,第 五要素是无形的。参照电影《第五要素》。 词组短语 1、mandarin collarquintessence官领精华 ...
It is well known that quantum effects may lead to removal of the intrinsic singularity point of back holes. Also, the quintessence scalar field is a candid
7. V. Sahni, Theoretical models of dark energy, Chaos. Soli. Frac. 16 527 (2003). 8. Armend´ariz-Pic´on, T. Damour, V. Mukhanov, k-Inflation, Physics Letters B 458 209 (1999); M. Malquarti, E.J. Copeland , A.R. Liddle, M. Trodden, A new view of k- essence, Phys...
su rrounded by q uint essence is given. In S ee.3 ,we give th e variat ion of ef ec tive p otent ial of massless D irac fi eld w it h th e dif erent p ar am et ers fr om F igs.1- 3 . T hen ,we evalu at e t h e qu asin ormal fr eq uen cies by u sin ...