The meaning of QUINTESSENCE is the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies. How to use quintessence in a sentence. Did you know?
Define quintessence. quintessence synonyms, quintessence pronunciation, quintessence translation, English dictionary definition of quintessence. n. 1. The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing. 2. The purest or most typical instance: the quintesse
The meaning of QUINTESSENCE is the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the celestial bodies. How to use quintessence in a sentence. Did you know?
AmericanBritish [kwin-tes-uhns] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun the pure and concentrated essence of a substance. the most perfect embodiment of something. (in ancient and medieval philosophy) the fifth essence or element, ether, supposed to be the constituent matter of the heavenly bodies, the othe...
" 15 Aug. 2019Warner Bros/Everett Collection Things on Earth were composed of mixtures of the four elements—earth, fire, air and water—but the spheres were made of a fifth element, orquintessence, that was entirely different and unchanging.—Adam Kirsch,WSJ, "Our Quest for Meaning in the...
The wordquintessencecomes from the medieval Latin termquinta essentia, meaning ‘fifth essence’, and denoted a fifth substance believed to exist in addition to the four elements air, earth, fire, and water. Medieval philosophers believed that this ‘fifth essence’ was the substance of which the...
quintessence meaning, definition, what is quintessence: Definition ...: Learn more.
5. quintessence的解释 5. The series of our products is China's traditional culture to explore and extend. The products are of rich profound meaning, which embodies the quintessence of human culture, adapt to the needs of the times, from time to time change. Our product from material selectio...
“最纯粹的本质”(指情况,性格等的)的转义或比喻意义,“从任何东西中提取出含有其品质或最基本部分的提取物”是在1560年代。 同样来自于: early 15c. 分享"quintessence" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofquintessence ...
quintessence的趨勢 根據調整。Ngrams可能不可靠。 Sharequintessence 僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning ofquintessence 廣告 Want to remove ads?Loginto see fewer ads, and become aPremium Memberto remove all ads. ...