_html/vsc_quill_delta_to_html.dart';voidmain() {finaldeltaOps = [ {'insert':'Hello\n'}, {'insert':'This is colorful','attributes': {'color':'#f00'} } ];finalconverter = QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter( ops, ConverterOptions.forEmail(), );finalhtml = converter.convert();print(html);...
// import { QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter } from 'quill-delta-to-html'; var deltaOps = [ {insert: "Hello\n"}, {insert: "This is colorful", attributes: {color: '#f00'}} ]; var cfg = {}; var converter = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(deltaOps, cfg); var html = converter.convert(...
varQuillDeltaToHtmlConverter=require('quill-delta-to-html').QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;// TypeScript / ES6:// import { QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter } from 'quill-delta-to-html';vardeltaOps=[{insert:"Hello\n"},{insert:"This is colorful",attributes:{color:'#f00'}}];varcfg={};varconverter=...
See it in action: https://lucascorpion.github.io/quill-delta-to-html Installation and Usage Install the package using: npm i @luca_scorpion/quill-delta-to-html The package exports a single function, deltaToHtml: import { deltaToHtml } from '@luca_scorpion/quill-delta-to-html'; const qui...
Converts Quill's delta ops to HTML Version0.12.1LicenseISC INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/quill-delta-to-html@0.12.1/dist/browser/QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.bundle.min.js"></script> No default JS fileset by the package authorso the URL is guess...
My existing project is usingquill.js, And a sample quill content(delta) will look something like this {"ops": [ {"attributes": {"underline": true,"bold": true },"insert":" dfsdfdsf "}, {"insert":"\n"} ] } Are there any pure python ways to convert these content into HTML?. ...
Quill Delta Converter What is this? TODO How do I use it? TODO Contributing to the Project Running the tests npm run test Type-checking the code npm run type-check And to run in --watch mode: npm run type-check:watch Distributing new versions Increment the version npm version <patch|min...
I am designing an app where users can comment using a rich text editor and those are displayed as a html object. This is the code to take comments: <quill-editor theme="snow" v-model:content="newComment"></quill-editor> Where: const newComment = ref('') Now...
npm install quill-delta-to-html Usage varQuillDeltaToHtmlConverter=require('quill-delta-to-html').QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;// TypeScript / ES6:// import { QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter } from 'quill-delta-to-html';vardeltaOps=[{insert:"Hello\n"},{insert:"This is colorful",attributes:{color...
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/quill-delta-to-html@0.12.1/dist/browser/QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter.bundle.min.js"></script> No default JS fileset by the package authorso the URL is guessed. You can alwaysbrowse all package filesto use another one. ...