importFluentEditorfrom'@opentiny/fluent-editor'consttoolbarOptions = [ ['undo','redo'],// Fluent Editor added['bold','italic','underline','strike'],// toggled buttons['blockquote','code-block'], ['link','image','video','formula'], [{'header':1}, {'header':2}],// custom butt...
可以通过 toolbar 模块配置工具栏按钮: importFluentEditorfrom'@opentiny/fluent-editor'consttoolbarOptions=[['undo','redo'],// Fluent Editor added['bold','italic','underline','strike'],// toggled buttons['blockquote','code-block'],['link','image','video','formula'],[{'header':1},{'...
可以通过 toolbar 模块配置工具栏按钮: importFluentEditorfrom'@opentiny/fluent-editor'consttoolbarOptions=[['undo','redo'],// Fluent Editor added['bold','italic','underline','strike'],// toggled buttons['blockquote','code-block'],['link','image','video','formula'],[{'header':1},{'...
可以通过 toolbar 模块配置工具栏按钮: importFluentEditorfrom'@opentiny/fluent-editor'consttoolbarOptions = [ ['undo','redo'],// Fluent Editor added ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], // toggled buttons ['blockquote', 'code-block'], ['link', 'image', 'video', 'formula'],...
I also need this and although i was able to implement the buttons i think it would have been very nice if this was implemented as its such a small amount of code. Also im having issues to find out how to disable / remove the icons when there is nothing to undo redo with my own im...
Fix undo when preformatted text inserted before plain text #1019 Add focus indicator on toolbar buttons #1020 Do not steal focus on API calls #1029 Disable paste when Quill is disabled #1038 Fix blank detection #1043 Enable yarn #1041 Documentation fixes #1026, #1027, #1032 Thank you @ben...
[String, Array], default: 'fontselect| fontsizeselect | bold italic underline strikethrough table fullscreen | link image media | undo redo | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist | forecolor backcolor | outdent indent blockquote | code | removeformat' } }, data()...
['undo', 'redo'], // Fluent Editor added ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], // toggled buttons ['blockquote', 'code-block'], ['link', 'image', 'video', 'formula'], [{ 'header': 1 }, { 'header': 2 }], // custom button values ...
['undo','redo'],// Fluent Editor added ['bold','italic','underline','strike'],// toggled buttons ['blockquote','code-block'], ['link','image','video','formula'], [{'header':1},{'header':2}],// custom button values