hundreds of people had taken their seats. It was clear from the from the first question on that he was going to go off script and tell hilarious stories, rather than purposefully answer questions. He had such a wonderful connection with the audience that by the time he finished, we ...
2.0: The quick-and-dirty is you can do whatever if modifications to MathQuill are in public GitHub forks. (Other ways to publicize modifications are also fine, as are private use modifications. See also: MPL 2.0 FAQ)...
The Source Code Form of MathQuill is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0: The quick-and-dirty is you can do whatever as long as modifications to MathQuill itself are in public GitHub forks. ...
2.0: The quick-and-dirty is you can do whatever if modifications to MathQuill are in public GitHub forks. (Other ways to publicize modifications are also fine, as are private use modifications. See also: MPL 2.0 FAQ)...
2.0: The quick-and-dirty is you can do whatever if modifications to MathQuill are in public GitHub forks. (Other ways to publicize modifications are also fine, as are private use modifications. See also: MPL 2.0 FAQ)...