python3quilljsquill-delta UpdatedFeb 7, 2018 Python Package with typescript type definitions for quill delta project. typescriptquillquilljsdefinitelytypedquill-delta UpdatedApr 14, 2018 Convert your Quill Delta into a simplified document format, making it easier to manage and manipulate text attributes...
() =>{3delta =newDelta(delta);4const length =this.getLength();5const deleted =this.editor.deleteText(0, length);6const applied =this.editor.applyDelta(delta);7...//为了方便阅读,省略了非核心代码8returndeleted.compose(applied);9}, source, );10} ...
register(Bold, true); // Initialize as you would normally const quill = new Quill('#editor', { modules: { toolbar: true }, theme: 'snow' }); const Delta = Quill.import('delta'); quill.setContents( new Delta() .insert('Rendered with !', { bold: true }) .insert('\n') ); ...
上一节的解析终止于 applyDelta 方法,该方法最终调用了 this.scroll.insertAt 将 Delta 内容插入到编辑器中。 applyDelta 方法定义在 Editor 类中,在 Quill 类的 setContents 方法中被调用,通过查看源码,发现 this.scroll 最初是在 Quill 的构造函数中被赋值的。 this.scroll = Parchment.create(this.root, { ...
Delta Deltas are a simple, yet expressive format that can be used to describe Quill's contents and changes. The format is a strict subset of JSON, is human readable, and easily parsible by machines. Deltas can describe any Quill document, includes all text and formatting information, ...
// Update model if text changes this.quill.on('text-change', (delta, oldDelta, source) => { let html = this.$refs.editor.children[0].innerHTML const quill = this.quill const text = this.quill.getText() if (html === '') html = '' this._content =...
API - Quill Rich Text Editor,通过 api 我们可以实现定制化的需求。 到这里我们还没看出 Quill 和其它富文本编辑器有什么区别,因为这才是刚刚开始,下面我会介绍 Quill 的独特功能。 Delta 前面说到 HTML 是树型结构,树型结构处理起来比较麻烦,而 Quill 通过变通引入了一个Delta的概念。
Rich text editor for Flutter editorquillwysiwygrich-text-editorwysiwyg-editorflutterrich-textdartlangquilljsquill-deltaflutter-appsflutter-examplesflutter-widgetflutter-packagereactquill UpdatedMar 13, 2025 Dart A text editor using Vue.js and Quill ...
})//Update model if text changesthis.quill.on('text-change', (delta, oldDelta, source)=>{ let html=this.$refs.editor.children[0].innerHTML const quill=this.quill const text=this.quill.getText()if(html==='') html=''this._content=htmlthis.$emit('input',this._content)this.$emit...
delta.insert('Text',{bold:true,color:'#ccc'});delta.insert({image:''}); delete() Appends a delete operation. Returnsthisfor chainability. Methods delete(length) Parameters length- Number of characters to delete ...