QUIKRETE concrete mixes can be successfully mixed by hand or machine mixed. For smaller projects, hand mixing is often the best method.Project Instructions Shopping List Project InstructionsWhen working with cement-based products, always wear eye protection and waterproof gloves....
2. Mix a batch of concrete for the first section, following the product directions (see page 33 to add color, as we have done here). Place the form at the start of your path and level it, if desired. Shovel the wet concrete into the form to fill each cavity. Consolidate and smooth...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 资格/认证考试--公务员考试 文档标签: PRODUCTGUIDE-Quikrete 系统标签: quikreteguideproductpalletconcretemix .quikrete PRODUCTGUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCRETEMIXES...3 MORTAR&MASONRYPRODUCTS...4 PORTLAND&MASONRYCEMENTS...6 CONCRETEREPAIR&WATERPROOFING......