学习用、作业用背景音乐 | 轻音乐 | Youtube搬运 | 伴随式学习 | 3h56min | BGM | Quiet Quest-Study MusicXRay-猎豹 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 296 0 03:18:05 App 学习用、作业用背景音乐 | 轻音乐 | Youtube搬运 | 伴随式学习 | 3h18min | BGM | BGM maker 785 0 ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKwLdE_2en0&list=PLkrqMyUZBhff3cOhIr10FqsmnPfcmRpvo&index=2 【Youtube搬运】学习用作业用背景音乐(轻音乐) Youtuber - Quiet Quest - Study Music BGM,4h,适合浸入式学习 生活 日常 YOUTUBE BGM 音乐 打卡 学习用 备考 专注 自习 STUDYWITHME 实时学习 ...
Quiet Music 发布 SynToPix 合成玩具钢琴 rompler 音源 ADSR Sounds 发布了由 Quiet Music 制作的新虚拟乐器,它提供了一系列独特的完全合成的玩具钢琴音色。SynToPix 是使用先进的 AI 工具开发的,该工具借鉴了各种真实的玩具钢琴声音作为参考。 通过SynToPix,用户可以使用 35 个多采样预设,这些预设专为各种风格而设计...
Finding the perfect treadmill for your home can be a massive challenge, especially if noise level is a top concern. Whether you live in an apartment, have a sleeping baby in the room next door (like me), or wake up and run before the sun rises, the quest to find the right treadmill...
It's going to be all play and purposeless piddling around for me today! And tonight -- It's going to be dancing to a playlist of classic rock & music from the 1950-70s - American oldies, British invasion and Motown. Woo Hoo! You see, I just took the advice that Caroline Adams Mill...
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在线看Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes — short.. 3分钟 50秒。14 9月 2012的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 7 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。
【古琴】《天行九歌》Guqin(Chinese traditional instrument for anime theme song) 12 人观看 8:06 【古琴】《乌夜啼》‘The Midnight Jackdaw’s Crying’—Chinese traditional music of Guqin 16 人观看 8:06 【古琴】《如来藏》Music full of Zen ...
#It’s quiet uptown 最近纽约连续暴风雪,但今晚的雪下得非常不一样,并非像以往那种非常有“美国气质”地一大团一大团地往下砸,而是下得飘飘忽忽,有点哀婉,有点惆怅,还带着点漫不经心与心不在焉,很像三岛由纪夫的《春雪》,淡淡的悲伤。刚好Youtube music给我放了一首《汉密尔顿》音乐剧里的It’s quiet upto...
I camped out for a couple of days the other week. When you can get that many people together and for everyone to be so respectful of each other it was really nice. There was a rule of no drink or drugs, and that was really cool. I went with my fellaat the time. Sleeping in a...