1. 我爱你 西语教程 - 西班牙语常用语句 - ASIASPAIN.COM ... Pekín/Beijing: 北京市 Te amo/Te quiero:我爱你Adiós - Chao: 再见 ... china.asiaspain.com|基于86个网页 2. 西班牙文 今年情人节,JUST US爱礼更甜蜜... ... (Angle Wing— “天使之翼”) (Te quiero— “我爱你”,西班牙文)...
The sentence you provided in Spanish (Mexico) has some errors in grammar and syntax. Here is the corrected version:"Mi objetivo es aprender lo suficiente para poder comunicarme con mis amigos y mi novio."This corrected sentence means "My goal is to learn enough so that I can communicate w...
we almost never use it, we use "te quiero" instead. If someone says that "te amo" is natural here, he's not Spanish and he selected our country for some reason, as most people do here, unfortunately.
@Jesus_Navarro_ Necesito saber la diferencia 😂 Porque mi novio (o un joven con quien estoy ...
Araspace: Literally te quiero means "I want you," but how it is intended depends on the look in their eyes when they say it! Aligoam: As many other have already explained, te quiero in Spanish, though meaning literally "I want you" translates as "I love you" and it is for family...
Araspace: Literally te quiero means "I want you," but how it is intended depends on the look in their eyes when they say it! Aligoam: As many other have already explained, te quiero in Spanish, though meaning literally "I want you" translates as "I love you" and it is for family...
Within the family, the mother speaks Norwegian, while the father speaks mostly Spanish to the daughters and Norwegian to the mother. He reports in the interview that he wanted the daughters to learn Spanish and that it feels natural for him to speak Spanish with them. He states that the ...
te amo"Te quiero" is very used. We use it with our partner, family and friends. "Te amo" implies a stronger feeling, we only use it with our partner. Anyways it's very rarely said, with our partner it's a lot more common to say "te quiero" That's in Spai
And finally,I’veput a name which is “meta”, thatmeanswe’re going totalkaboutSpanish,in Spanish. ParaCrawl Corpus Yenrelación al tema que se trata este añoenel seminario, la creatividadenturismo,yoosquiero hablarde 3 destinosespañolesque para mi son muy creativos utilizando Twitter com...
aMEREDITH: I'm Dan Meredith.[translate] aMILLER: It say before I die in English. And then in Spanish, it says: antes de moir quiero, which means, before I die, I want to.[translate]