1.右键单击itunesetup.exe 2.选择,“用winrar打开”3.选择“apple application support.msi”,安装选择...
要安装苹果应用支持(Apple Application Support and Mobile Device Support)程序是用来支持苹果应用和苹果设备应用的程序,如果没有这个组件苹果产品将无法被电脑所识别。一般来说这个软件是安装itunes时自动安装的,它的存储路径是默认的,作用是为苹果移动设备和pc连接提供驱动支持,没有它iphone就无法和电脑...
When I install the standalone QuickTime through a push out (SCCM) with the command with "QuickTimeInstaller7.7.6.exe /qn" and "QuickTimeInstaller7.7.6.exe /quiet" we get the message "Please install apple application support" when opening the program. We are unable to get past t...
1.右键单击itunesetup.exe 2.选择,“用winrar打开”3.选择“apple application support.msi”,安装选择“修复(repair)”4.一切搞定
【AE吧】求助,qu..quicktime please install apple application support 一运行quicktime 就提示这个,按照别人说的,1.右键单击 QuickTime Player
quicktime please install apple application support 一运行quicktime 就提示这个,按照别人说的,1.右键单击 QuickTime Player 2.选择,“用winrar 分享9赞 ae吧 windysense win7 64位 装AE CS6 打开时老是说我没装quicktime 然后开不了win7 64位 装AE CS6 打开时老是说我没装quicktime(明明装过N个版本了都一...
please install apple application support:请安装Apple application support
QuickTime Player 显示影片文件的方式可能与您的工作流程无关。其他视频编辑和动画图形应用程序通常会使用自己的方法来确定文件的灰度系数值,或者可能会调整该灰度系数值。例如,Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 以与 After Effects CS3 相同的方式解释 QuickTime 文件;QuickTime 文件的外观在各个应用程序上是相同的。其他应用程序可...
Is this about QuickTime Player X (10.5) or QuickTime Player 7 (7.6.6)? QuickTime Player 7 is no longer compatible with macOS 10.15. Two tests for you. Please let us know how it goes: Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac - Apple Support. This should help find out if other...
弦·歌 1L喂熊 1 安装quicktimeplayer打开显示please install apple application support用不了了悲剧 lonery_wolf 1L喂熊 1 我也是,求解~~~ 贴吧用户_QQCaGKZ 1L喂熊 1 需要安装支持苹果程序的apple application support 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、...