Average Case Time taken by Quick Sort is given by the following recurrence relation: T(n)=T(k)+ T(n-k-1)+ θ(n) This result of this recurrence relation givesT(n) = nLogn.The average-case occurs when we get random unevenly balanced partitions. The time complexity is of the order ...
Averagecasecomplexity O(NlogN) Worst-casecomplexity O(N 2 ) Rarelyhappens,ifcodedcorrectly QuicksortOutline Divideandconquerapproach GivenarrayStobesorted •IfsizeofS<1thendone; •PickanyelementvinSasthepivot •PartitionS-{v}(remainingelementsinS)intotwogroups ...
Solution to above mentioned recurrence relation will be,T(n) = (nlogn) Hence,T(n) average-case= O(nlogn). •Best Case: The best case is when the partitioning process picks the middle element as the pivot. 1 2 3 Hence, equation (i) becomes,T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n) ...
The average case time complexity of Quicksort is which is the same as Merge Sort. Even with a large input array, it performs very well. It provides high performance and is comparatively easy to code. It doesn’t require any additional memory. The main disadvantage of quicksort is that a ...