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3. Tap Log in and go to the Quick Settings screen or SmartLogger screen. Connecting the SmartLogger to Other Management Systems 1. Open the SUN2000 app and connect to the WLAN hotspot of the SmartLogger. 2. Select installer and enter the login password. ...
Intel Personal Audio Player 3000 QUICK START GUIDE
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EG3000Series Quick Start Guide [EG3250, EG3000UE/XE Model] 1. WAN Uplink Quick Setup 1) Modify the IP address of PC. IPaddress: 192.168.1.x (except Subnetmask: Defaultgateway: (default LAN IP) 2) Connect the PC to any port (except WAN0)on ...
SDZ3000 quick logging platform is a highly integrated,highly reliable,highly effective combination logging sys-tem.By integrating all conventional well logging instrument,using integrated design,digital processing,and other advanced technologies,the length of the instrument is significantly shortened,and strati...
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