You must be able to access the importance of 3D printing in every sphere of life and how it can change the way we have been doing things. There are countless things to make with a 3D printer, here are some examples: Creating Cars and Aircraft Organ Transplant Shapeways Prosthetic Limbs Eng...
题目3 D printing is becoming more and more popular.We are now able to print things such as clothing,prosthetic limbs(假肢),musical instruments(乐器) and so on.People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly and easily using 3 D printers. But...
But I'd rather not have to go through a conversion process while browsing downloads, iCloud Drive files, etc. as I review things to 3D print. macOS already has native STL QuickView support, I believe. Any chance of adding this capability to visionOS, or maybe an app that can do the...
PressDin 3D view to open the menu. Join ourdiscordfor discussion. Compatibility For blender4.2.xuse the latest version For blender4.1.xuse version3.0.10 Earlier Blender versions aren't supported Things to know about Quick Menu: It'sminimalistic. The addon is designed to be as unintrusive as po...
1)Unzip mineways*.zip, the whole thing, to some directory. On Windows you can run mineways.exe from the zip file, though I don't recommend this. 2)Double-click the Mineways.exe program to run. If things don't start up correctly, seethis guide. ...
To play the game hit the play button above, this will take Unity into play mode (Visually this gives a darker overlay to the rest of the UI). You can pause playmode and interact with your objects and test things out like in normal mode. Otherwise to exit playmode press the play butto...
Code signing can be a pain, but the fact that Xcode gives very little information about a mobile provisioning file does not ease things. Let me introduce a new QuickLook plugin. This plugin allows you to get a QuickLook preview for all .mobileprovision files. ...
sparking discussions about how to protect yourself against nuclear radiation, the most radioactive things on earth, and the adverse effects of radiation. It's a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity, such as the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. This T-shirt...
Although, you can build Flex applications without understanding the life cycle phases of an application, it is good to know the basic mechanism; the order in which things occur. It will help you to configure features such as loading other Flex applications at runtime, and manage the process ...
Typically 1:1 is a good scale if possible, though arguably architectural buildings should be smaller (though Shigeru Ban would perhaps say otherwise) - and sometimes tiny things can benefit from being scaled up, e.g. Sub-Atomic Structures. Note - Don't trust a basic printer to print to pe...