Chronometer and Benchmark a piece of code is simple.//get elapsed time execution of a code part Chrono := TChronometer.Create(False); Chrono.Start; ...code you need benchmark Chrono.Stop; //shows elapsed time in LongTime format (2 hour(s) and 10 minute(s)) Showmessage(Chrono.Time...
int GetUseQuickConsoleOptionSetting([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int & pfValue); Parameters pfValue Int32 [out] A boolean value; true if Use Quick Console is enabled. Returns Int32 If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code. R...
Welcome to Ember! Follow this guide to build a simple web app using HTML, JavaScript, the command line, and some of Ember's best features. Each step has code you can copy and paste directly or modify to make it your own. Along the way, you will be...
MaxFileSizeInMB:If value is greater than 0, rotates log file by size. It's independent of dailyrotate option. MaxRotateFiles:Max number of files to keep when rotate a log. RotatedFilesPath:Path where rotated files will be moved/zipped. If leave blank, rotated files will be remain in...
InnerAudioContext.onStop(function callback) Listens to audio stop events. InnerAudioContext.offStop(function callback) Cancels listening to audio stop events. InnerAudioContext.onError(function callback) Listens to audio playback error events. InnerAudioContext.offError(function callback) ...
Sample code: export default { data: { firstName: 'Quick', lastName: 'App' }, computed: { fullName: { get () { return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}` }, set (value) { const names = value.split(' ') this.firstName = names[0] this.lastName = names[names.length - 1...
You're prompted to select the sign-in account and method you want to use. Press theTabkey until you find the desired option, then pressEnter. Depending on the sign-in method, follow the prompts as your screen reader announces them. For example, typeyour pa...
StopApplyingCodeChanges StopFilter StopLogging StopPhoneLandscape StopQuery StopTime StorageContainer StorageContainerGroup StorageDriver StorageDriverPackage 已儲存 StoredPackage StoredProcedure StoredProcedureChecked StoredProcedureError StoredProcedureScript StoredProcedureWarning StoreVirtualMachine StreamingSyncing Stream...
Select Advanced option from the dialog box. Select Content from the listed items. Select Enable JavaScript checkbox. Finally click OK and come out.To disable JavaScript support in your Opera, you should not select the Enable JavaScript checkbox.Warning...
function stop_docker_container_if_exist() { docker_container_name=$1 processor=$(docker ps | grep docker_container_name) echo "stop docker container if exist [$docker_container_name]..." if [ "$processor" != "" ]; then docker stop $docker_container_name ...