Quick Key is the only mobile grading solution that is secure enough for districts, affordable enough for schools, and easy enough for everyday classroom use. Are you the leader of a 1:1 school, or a district in transition to 1:1? Quick Key effortlessly combines results from 1:1 classrooms...
Quick Key is the only mobile grading solution that is secure enough for districts, affordable enough for schools, and easy enough for everyday classroom use. Are you the leader of a 1:1 school, or a district in transition to 1:1? Quick Key effortlessly combines results from 1:1 ...
在初始化SDK时,需要填写参数Appkey。Appkey是在Quick Tracking中代表应用的唯一ID,在创建应用时生成,其获取或查看方法详见文档:应用管理。 4 日志打印 iOS中,日志模块为独立的插件,需要集成后才可以使用。 4.1 日志插件引入 如果您是手动引入的SDK,需要将日志插件包导入到您的工程中 1、选择SDK功能组件并下载,解压...
//load MyConfig.Load; //save MyConfig.Save; //create your config to Windows Registry //Add Quick.Config.Registry to your uses MyConfig := TMyConfig.Create; //Define Registry as HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyApp MyConfig.HRoot := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; MyConfig.MainKey := 'MyApp'; MyConfig...
iOS 9 and OSX 10.11 require TLSv1.2 SSL for all hosts you plan to request data from, unless you specify exception domains in your app's Info.plist file. The syntax for the Info.plist configuration looks like this: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSExceptionDomains</key> ...
appkey:在应用列表中获取 收数域名:在“管理控制台-采集信息”模块中获取 2.2 引入SDK 在终端执行pod setup命令,拉取最新pod库时间较长。 $ pod setup Cocoapods集成可灵活配置所需SDK,如工程target名为“QuickTrackingDemo”,可选添下面的SDK,如在项目根目录的Podfile的格式: target 'QuickTrackingDemo' do pod...
Create a database and get its original size.letdatabase=GorillaDB()// Act: Save a banana to the database.letbanana=Banana()database.save(banana:banana,key:"test-banana")// Assert: The bananas saved to and loaded from the database should be the same.XCTAssertEqual(database.load(key:"...
If you are locked out of iPhone, no matter with "Security Lockout" or "iPhone is disabled" screen, take a look at Tenorshare 4uKey now. It supports both the old and new versions of iOS. Besides, it works perfectly for removing 4/6-digit passcode, alphanumeric code, Face ID, Touch ...
功能:使用productKey,productCode,初始化SDK, 由QuickSDK平台分配,在iOS打包工具上可以看到,打包时需要和iOS打包工具上的选择的产品参数一致。 参数:configure封装了 productKey和 productCode application: 应用的application, 调用函数的参数原封不动的传入即可
API Key-based Authentication Service Account-based Authentication RISC-based Cross-Account Protection Errors and Troubleshooting Accessing Account Kit Using AppAuth For Android Apps For iOS Apps Setting a Redirection URL Integrating the HMS Core SDK into Your App Project in the Eclipse IDE...