View all screenshots video and audio converterQuick Media Converter enables you to convert between most audio and video formats, including AVI, DVD, Quicktime, Flash, Xvid, DivX, MPEG, MP3, WMA, MP4, 3GP and many others. You can convert multiple files (of different formats) in a single pro... Multiple Browser Support using Clientless Mode – Silverlight and Flash Players The Volicon Observer now supports a clientless mode for use with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. Clientless mode allows you to avoid installing the Active-X player. To use clientless mode, you must ...
MCU Operating Modes Most RA6 MCU series can enter one of two modes after reset: Single-chip mode or SCI/USB boot mode. The boot mode is selected by the MD pin: Table 6. Operating Modes Available at Reset Operating Mode Single-chip mode SCI/USB boot mode MD 1 0 On-Chip Flash Memory...