作者:Google Cloud Platform转载自:【 人工智能 】 Quick Draw: the biggest doodle dataset(英文字幕)微博:宫帅USTC, 视频播放量 192、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 13、转发人数
【云端涂鸦:Quick, Draw! 数据集介绍】《Drawings in the Cloud: introducing the Quick, Draw! dataset》by Ian Johnson data:
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Quick, Draw! Doodle Recognition Challenge
The raw data is available asndjsonfiles seperated by category, in the following format: KeyTypeDescription key_id64-bit unsigned integerA unique identifier across all drawings. wordstringCategory the player was prompted to draw. recognizedbooleanWhether the word was recognized by the game. ...
Some days ago, my friendJorgeshowed me one of the coolest datasets I’ve ever seen:the Google quick draw dataset. In its Github website you can see a detailed description of the data. Briefly, it contains around 50 million of drawings of people around the world in.ndjsonformat. In this...
QuickDraw可视化 完整实战代码:加载数据集,并可视化数据集 QuickDraw下载 QuickDraw简介 Quick Draw 数据集是一个包含 345 个类别的 5000 万幅手绘草图的集合,由游戏 Quick, Draw!的玩家贡献。 这些绘图被捕获为带时间戳的矢量,并用元数据标记,包括要求玩家绘制的内容以及玩家所在的国家/地区。 可以去官网体验一下...
Breadcrumbs quickdraw-dataset /examples /nodejs / ndjson.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 72 lines (56 loc) · 3.19 KB Raw Quick, Draw! ndjson data The Quick, Draw! dataset uses ndjson as one of the formats to store its millions of drawings. We can use the ndjson-...
2、Quick Draw图像分类 2.1 数据获取 从Google 下载数据,并将其保存至名为"data_files"的空目录下面。 具体操作如下:访问地址,下载10个数据集,保存到"data_files"目录下面。
Draw database diagrams by typing. It’s quick| TRY THE APP It’s free and registration is not required. % buffered00:00 Video is not available or format is not supported. Try a different browser. Work fluently Draw schemas without leaving the keyboard....
This version brings two new features to QuickDraw: - Press the backspace key on your keyboard to delete all drawings below the mouse - Adjust your drawing's position by holding spacebar before letting go of the mouse Thanks again for all the great feedback, happy drawing!