the importance of drinking water--at least 4-6 glasses a day. It thins the mucus so it can flow better--thus helping to prevent sinus pressure--and not stagnate, It flushes body's impurities out. It aids the immune system and it helps get rid of excess stomach acid and constipation. ...
and is especially useful in alleviating constipation. Sennas are still used as the primary ingredient in certain commercial stimulant laxatives. Senna is also the primary ingredient found in most "dieter's teas". The combination of acting as a...
Some select types of advertising may strongly offend some groups of people even when they are of strong interest to others. Female hygiene products as well as haemorrhoid and constipation medication are good examples. The advertisements of condoms are important in the interest of AIDS-prevention, ...
the importance of drinking water--at least 4-6 glasses a day. It thins the mucus so it can flow better--thus helping to prevent sinus pressure--and not stagnate, It flushes body's impurities out. It aids the immune system and it helps get rid of excess stomach acid and constipation. ...