Select a command on the left, and click Add to make it appear on Word 2007's Quick Access Toolbar. To remove a command, select it from the right, and click the Remove button. Once you are done adding and removing commands, click OK to close the Word Options window and validate ...
If you just want a few commands on your fingertips, you want to use the Quick Access Toolbar. Those are the icons that are above the Ribbon and they are always on no matter what tab you are on in the Ribbon. To customize the Quick Access Toolbar, open or create a ...
If you just want a few commands on your fingertips, you want to use the Quick Access Toolbar. Those are the icons that are above the Ribbon and they are always on no matter what tab you are on in the Ribbon. To customize the Quick Access Toolbar, open or create a ...
For example, a user can customize the quick access toolbar for his WordProcessingML document to contain the UI controls that they commonly use.A package is permitted to contain at most one Quick Access Toolbar Customizations part, and that part is the target of a relationship in the pa...
To add a button, click the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" down arrow, and either choose one of the options available in that menu, or click "More Commands" to see the other actions you can add. In the Word Options window, click the "Choose Commands From" drop-down arrow to search ...
Word 2010基础教程 共88讲英文0103 Customizing the Quick Access toolbar 发布Word 2010基础教程 共88讲英文0103 Customizing the Quick Access toolbar 剧情介绍:Word 2010基础教程 共88讲英文0103 Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
上面程序中RibbonQuickAccessToolBar.Placement 用于设置快捷工具栏是否允许用户自定义调节。如下图所示可以将Help 按键从快捷工具栏中取消显示。若不设置该值则默认为不能调整,即工具栏中按键内容是固定的。 最后,为所有RibbonCommand 事件添加C# 代码完成事件内容,其中文档保存对话框可以使用Windows API Code Pack 的Com...
public bool ShowQuickAccessToolBarOnTop { get; set; } 属性值 Boolean 如果快速访问工具栏显示在 Ribbon 上方,则为 true;如果快速访问工具栏显示在 Ribbon 下方,则为 false。 已注册的默认值为 true。 有关什么可以影响值的详细信息,请参阅 Dependency Property Value Precedence(依赖项属性值优先级)。 ...
If the Quick Access Toolbar is in its default location below the ribbon, press the Down arrow key until you hear "Quick access toolbar," followed by the first item on the toolbar. If you have moved the Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon, press the Up arro...
元素 Ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar備註必要。每個Ribbon.QuickAccessToolbar必須剛好發生一次。QAT 中的專案可以在執行時間新增或移除。若要讓功能區應用程式的一致性,建議 使用CustomizeCommandName 命令處理常式啟動 QAT 自訂對話方塊。範例下列範例示範 QuickAccessToolbar的基本標記。此...