Below is an instance of a queue written in C that makes use of an array:C Programming Language:#define MAX_SIZE 100 int queue[MAX_SIZE]; int front = -1; int rear = -1; void enqueue(int element) { if (rear == MAX_SIZE - 1) { printf("Queue is full"); return; ...
The Enqueue() function belongs to the Queue<T> class, where T denotes the type of entries in the queue. It comes under the System.Collections package. This approach is an O(1) operation if the Count is smaller than the capacity of the inner array. If the internal array must be ...
Let us take a C# program to implement the Queue.contains() method.using System; using System.Collections; class QueueContains{ // Driver code public static void Main() { // An empty queue creation Queue myQue = new Queue(); // the elements are added to the queue myQue....
public class Program { public static void Main() { var priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<Task>(); priorityQueue.Enqueue(new Task { Name = "Task A", Priority = 3 }); priorityQueue.Enqueue(new Task { Name = "Task B", Priority = 2 }); priorityQueue.Enqueue(new Task { Name ...
C++ Queue empty() function is used for testing whether the container is empty or not. Sometimes before actually starting the work with the individual elements of the containers, it is more feasible to look up if the container is empty, so this function finds its usage in such cases. ...
size()Returns the number of the elements in this queue. spliterator()Returns a spliterator over the elements in this queue. toArray()Returns an array containing all the elements of this queue which are in proper sequence. Example 1 importjava.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; ...
enQueue(value):This function is used to insert the new value in the Queue. The new element is always inserted from the rear end. deQueue():This function deletes an element from the Queue. The deletion in a Queue always takes place from the front end. ...
Now, let's see the implementation of deque in C programming language. #include <stdio.h> #define size 5 intdeque[size]; intf = -1, r = -1; // insert_front function will insert the value from the front voidinsert_front(intx) ...
Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue forEach() Method with Examples on java, concurrentlinkedqueue, addAll() method, add() method, isEmpty(), iterator(), peek(), size(), toArray(T[] a), poll(), offer(E e), contains(Object o), toArray() etc.
Program in C B Tree Applications B Tree Properties How to Search, Insert, and Delete in an Unsorted Array Count Non-Leaf Nodes in a Binary Tree Get the Level of a Given Key in a Binary Tree Double Ended Priority Queue B+ Tree Deletion B+ Tree Insertion Hashing in Data Structure ...