对于类型为AF和WFQ的队列,hwCBQoSQueueLength属性仅在hwCBQoSQueueDropType属性已取值为tail-drop时为可选约束;否则为NA约束。 如果某个队列所属的behavior已经被关联到某个policy下,修改这个队列的hwCBQoSQueueBandwidthUnit类型时要保证同一policy下的所有队列类型都是一样,不然修改失败。 删除约束 行删除必须通过对属性...
对于类型为AF和WFQ的队列,hwCBQoSQueueLength属性仅在hwCBQoSQueueDropType属性已取值为tail-drop时为可选约束;否则为NA约束。 如果某个队列所属的behavior已经被关联到某个policy下,修改这个队列的hwCBQoSQueueBandwidthUnit类型时要保证同一policy下的所有队列类型都是一样,不然修改失败。 删除约束 行删除必须通过对属性...
wrr-queue bandwidth wrr-queue cos-map awrr-queue dscp-map wrr-queue queue-limit wrr-queue random-detect wrr-queue threshold Close show mls qos through wrr-queue threshold show metadata application table show metadata flow show mls qos show mls qos aggregate policer show mls qos free...
1) bandwidth-delay product queue 带宽-延时积队列 1. In order to solve the problem of sharp decline in performance which exists in Drop Tail gateways and to find a novel algorithm that is easy to implement and can adapt parameters according to the variation of network,an active queue managemen...
policy-map tunedscp class bulk-data bandwidth remaining percent 30 queue-limit 50 ms random-detect dscp-based random-detect dscp af21 22 ms 25 ms 10 Looking at the output of show policy-map interface we verify the configuration: show policy-map interface g1/0/0 GigabitEther...
Dynamic bandwidth allocation for multiple access communication using the session queueA technique for providing high speed data service over standard wireless connections via an unique integration of protocols and existing cellular signaling is disclosed. Channel resources are allocated according to a buffer...
Today there was a problem (see below). All cores was loaded by interrupts, speed dropped from 50 gbps to 3 gbps.Unloading and loading again module ice gave nothing. After reboot ice loaded only with 1 queue. And after # ifdown enp129s0; rmmod ice; modprobe ice; ifup enp129s0; all 12...
7360 GPON中,可通过将ONT Uni的QoS Intece中的Queue与()Profile绑定,来控制该Intece的下行带宽。 A. Sharper B. Scheduler-node C. Bandwidth D. Session 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 > 下载刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 ...