Starting from Heavensward zones, each zone has up to four side story quests that reward an Aether Current for that zone, which is need to unlock flying on a mount for that zone. A list of quests that reward Aether Currents can be found here. Levequests These quests unlock access to lev...
Like the five ARR Tribals, the Moogles begin at 'Neutral' (rank 1). The maximum rank obtainable through missions is 'Bloodsworn'. 'Allied' is unlocked by completing the Intersocietal Quests, after having attained the maximum rank for the three Heavensward Tribes. 119 Moogle Daily Quests are...
This is not a main story quest pack This Pack does NOT include All Jobs Quests for levels 1 - 50 for Dexterity Classes Prior to the Heavensward Expansion. Bard and Ninja supported only. Completes hunt logs. Kills Monsters and Completes Fates between Quests while leveling your Chocobo. Buys ar...