Get prepared to meet with your college advisor with this article. You'll learn about the kinds of questions you should ask your advisor regarding academics, job options, and your unique college experience. How Do I Finish My Program in 4 Years?
Where else can I go for support throughout the college application process? My School Doesn’t Have a College Counselor. What Should I Do? If you’re unsure whether your high school has a college counselor, check in with an educator for support. The counselor at your school may go by...
Why You Should Ask Questions During Your College InterviewAsking questions during and at the end of the interview demonstrates that you’re engaged. While you may be regarding this as another piece of your application—a “test” of you as an applicant—it’s really an opportunity for both ...
Whether speaking to an admissions counselor or touring a campus, you should ask about these components. 5. Do I Like the Location? For degree-seekers planning to study on campus, location can play an important role in thedecision-making process. Besides ensuring you enjoy the campus, you shou...
Questions to Ask on a College Visit Almost every move you make during elite college admissions season should have a competitive edge, with a few exceptions. Despite what some highly selective colleges say to the contrary, they do care about Demonstrated Interest. After all, why wouldn’t they ...
(2003). 10 Questions College Officials Should Ask About Diversity. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 49, 49. p. 1-4. Retrieved on July 11, 2009 from, R. (2003). 10 Questions college officials should ask about diversity. ...
Questions to ask students at events, tours, and open houses These questions should help you get started, butbe sure to modify them, or replace them entirely, where it makes sense to you. After all, you're looking for answers about your specific situation, and everyone's unique!
Use our free college application requirements tracker (available both as a Google Doc and Google Sheet) to stay organized while you apply! Who should write my letters of recommendation? When should I ask for a letter of recommendation?
Consider, for example, Centennial College's upcomingVirtual Open House on Sunday, November 21. When attending an open house that's totally online, here's what you should be asking to really determine if a school is right for you. What services does the campus have?
"Hangin' out and chillin'" is a weak answer for this question. College life obviously isn't all work, so the admissions folks want students who will do interesting and productive things even when they aren't studying. Do you write? hike? play tennis? Use a question such as this one to...