Ask a Lawyer allows you to get free answers from lawyers in your area for basic legal questions on a variety of topics, including family law, employment law, criminal law, and more. Question: Add details 120 Q&A Related to COVID-19 ...
hopefuls should ask before heading to law school. Do I Really Want to Be a Lawyer? Because law school requires a major time and financial investment, law school hopefuls should seriously consider why they want to be a lawyer, experts say. "Are you attracted ...
Here are some questions experts say J.D. hopefuls should ask before heading to law school. Do I Really Want to Be a Lawyer? Because law school requires a major time and financial investment, law school hopefuls should seriously consider why they want to be a ...
Finding The Right Lawyer Questions to ask your lawyer General FAQ about What is, America's premier online legal news source, is the anchor publication ofOnline Legal Mediaand has been on the web since 2001. Our legal ...
Justia Ask a Lawyer Alabama Uncategorized Ask a Question Get free answers to your Uncategorized legal questions from lawyers in your area. Question: Ask Question Lawyers, increase your visibility by answering questions and getting points. Answer Questions ...
Think about every lawyer, paralegal, assistant, messenger, jury member, or court officer now having access to your trade secrets — hardly ideal. Injunctions and temporary restraining orders: This is a court order to stop using all relevant trade secrets or data. An injunction is a serious ...
‘Ask’, Standard Legal has built a great library of pro se (self-help) legal information. Every answer is written in understandable language too: no lawyer jargon, no attorney-speak, no legaleze. Just straight-forward Q&A to assist you in dealing with the legal issues most everyone faces ...
Respectfully decline these tests and ask for a lawyer Remember that you are being recorded!! Should I take a blood or breath test? My typical advice is if youHAVE NOT HAD ANYTHING TO DRINK, take the breath test. If you have had any alcohol, I would refuse. These machines are just not...
The lawyer,legendary DOJ attorney Michael Dreeben, said that the department hadn’t taken a position that he knew of,aside from a memosaying there’s no such authority. But Alito said it’s important to know because if presidents have no immunity, then that could ...
If an officer asks for my ID, do I have to give it? If a police officer is talking to me, can I walk away? Does an officer have to read me my rights before asking questions? An officer wants to ask me some questions pertaining to a police investigation. Should I talk? Answering ...