So to get these things, you have to build credibility, and you have to do it under your own name as much as possible, which is risky. So, accountability is a double-edged thing. It allows you to take credit when things go well and to bear the brunt of the failure when things go ...
Chat with Your Boss: Don't make this a surprise. Tell your manager you're interested in promotion opportunities. This shows initiative and lets them help guide you. Ask them what you should focus on and what you need to highlight. Get Number-Crunchy:Don't just say, "I increased sales....
If you have been in the same position for a few years or longer, your resume has likely been gathering virtual dust. Whether or not you are actively seeking a new position, it’s crucial to keep your resume updated. You might want to present yourself as an expert, an organization might...
Hello, I sorry if this is a idiotic thing to ask but I don't understand why it would be heretical to try to interpret and in doing so understand how God works. Especially the God of the bible that we believe in that is Triune, infinite, all knowing, and all powerful would that not...
Things may not always go your way, and there are times when you need to change careers or transition in a new direction within your current one. When working with a mentor, there is a good chance your mentor went through similar dilemmas. Don’t be afraid to ask about how they overcame...
This work may be part-time in the hours around their primary job and can be an excellent way to gain expertise to leverage into a promotion or learn the new skills they plan to use in retirement. This can be a good time to get a new business up and fully running before stepping out...
Do you think t the social structure and potentially gender stereotype play a big role in causing the gender gap? It occurs to me that women might face more stringent societal expectations. Consequently, when women engage in self-promotion on their work, they may encounter more judgement and ...
Questions to ask in a phone interview It’s vital to pose at least two or three questions that are not related to ‘payment or salary’ in any manner. Most of the time, an interviewer is seeking someone interested to work with the company. Therefore, money should be the last thing on ...
7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Call a New Prospect 1. How senior is your prospect? I despise over-generalizations, but when you’re dealing with prospects you don't know, you need to make some assumptions — that way, you’re prepared to handle their objections effectively. ...
Next, you need the courage to contact a monastery and ask to stay as a guest. The community will be assessing you as soon as they know you are seeking a possible entry but you need to assess them too. Ask yourself, 'Are these brothers going to guide me God, whom I seek?' ...