Sensitivity and specificity of stroke symptom questions to detect stroke or transient ischemic attack. Neuroepidemiology 2011;36: 100 -104.Sung VW, Johnson N, Granstaff US, Jones WJ, Meschia JF, Williams LS, Safford MM. Sensitivity and specificity of stroke symptom questions to detect stroke or...
Explore all Collectives Teams Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Teams Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams ...
I have a bubble chart with EllipsePointMarker as pointMarker and a custom palette provider to set the colors of the markers. I need to set a stroke in one of the markers but doesn’t matter what value I return as a stroke value from the overridePointMarkerArgb function, the stroke isn...
How to Check If The Rune is Chinese Punctuation Character in Go For Chinese punctuation chars like ~ , 。, how to detect via Go? I tried with range table of package unicode like the code below, but Han doesn't include those punctuation chars. Can you please tell me ... ...
Is there any possible way to achieve this in iOS? Basically I subclassed SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation and implemented my own -onPanGesture:At: but it does not separate instances of the class when I try to drag one of the annoation. All moves to same place. How can I detect which annotation ...
A non erected penis can go into the vagina. Please help me regarding this. Asked for Female, 26 Years 5868 Views Dr. Vivek Singh General Physician | Delhi I understood your concern and noted the problem as well .I need to ask few more details to make a diagnosis and start treatment...
One thing I’m thinking of is a dynamic FAQ that might ask what sort of thing they’d like to accomplish and then quickly get them to the office they should start with. “Find a study buddy!” I gather other schools do this and so I built a quick test to see if this would work...
The "A" is to ask if the patient was annoyed by criticism about his drinking. The "G" is for being guilty about the drinking. The "E" is for eye opener and if the patient has a need for this. The majority of alcoholics will respond yes to at least 2 of these questions. Mr. ...
Scientists pose and re-pose, digging deeper each time to detect a clear answer in a complex world. Researchers studying rare diseases ask how newly arising pathogenic mutations can be identified. Elsewhere, scientists try to understand how individual cells work within a...
Boomers" get tested, regardless of their HCV risk factors. Baby Boomers were born between 1945-1965. Baby Boomers, as a group, are five times more likely to have HCV. Many have no symptoms, so they need to ask to be tested for HCV-do not assume you will be tested by your physician...