Communication between the orthopedic surgeon and the medical oncologist can have the utmost ramifications for patients with metastatic disease. Efficient and well thought out communication can prevent unnecessary surgery, predict perioperative challenges, and promote optimal outcomes. This chapter aims to fost...
10 Questions to Ask Your Oncologist Before Accepting Radiation Therapy Cancer Treatments BEFORE you schedule any radiation therapy appointments to treat your cancer, here are some very important questions you need to ask your doctor. These questions are meant to empower you to take control of your ...
被诊断患上癌症可能让您难以承受,但您不必独自经历这一艰难历程。您的肿瘤内科医生会全程陪伴着您。作为一名病人,您可以通过积极地提问和参与治疗,来为自己发声。 如果您刚刚被诊断出患有癌症,您可能会问:“下一步怎么办”?首先,第一步是把关于疾病所有想问的问题写下,下次...
Questions to Ask Your Oncologist About Chemotherapy Treatment If you’re considering chemotherapy,here are 12 very important questions to ask your oncologist BEFORE you schedule any chemo treatments.The purpose of this list is to empower you to take charge of your cancer. No one is more interested...
(a) regarding patient understanding, do oncologists ask about patients' preexisting knowledge, information preferences, and understanding and do patients and companions ask about the disease and treatment, and (b) regarding patient priorities, do oncologists ask about patients' treatment- and decision...
a medical oncologist in the Division of Medical Oncology in the Department of Oncology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota as well as chair of the Genitourinary Cancer Disease Group and director of Radiopharmaceutical Clinical Trials for Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, to learn some ...
Explanations of this persistent disparity include contributing factors of biology, lifestyle, screening behaviors, socioeconomics, and access to and receipt of appropriate quality [3–5]. Cancer fatalism—the belief that a cancer diagnosis will end in death—has been described as a “socio-cultural...
A mobile app–based program for facilitating advance care planning discussions between patients with advanced cancer and oncologists: A randomized controll... 12001#Background:While timely advance care planning (ACP) discussions are recommended, patients find it difficult to express their values in lif...
Allowing patients to ask questions at MTC as a building block in oncology care could lead to better informed patients. At the same time, it could make it easier for patients to participate in decision making [15]. On the part of the healthcare providers, recognizing emotions [30] and ...
disorders. For instance, the gynecologic oncologists found that 88.2% (n = 15/17) of the responses were correct and complete on testing for differences in theBRCA1orBRCA2gene known to be a driver of cancer risk, whereas 66.6% (n = 2/3) of the responses were correct on ...