Task5: Read the passage and fill in theto ask questions when they have problems.attention /o'tenfn/n.注意blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格If you want to make friends, you need toadmire /od'mar(r)/v.欣赏限填一词,首字母已给):(词数:221)be outg...
WUT is the sickest app to ask your friends anonymously on Instagram. Get ready to unleash secrets and discover what your crew really thinks about you. Here's h…
Have a question about dancehall or reggae music you would like to ask?Go ahead and submit it!Help and be helped. Check back soon to view the answers. I'll do my best to give my personal reply within 24 hours - usually much earlier.Important: When you ask your question, please include...