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Inmates are in prison for good reasons, usually, so use good judgment when contacting them. Don’t volunteer too much information to start with, find out who they are first. Don’t get conned into giving large amounts of money; after you exchange correspondence for a few months and you’...
"Criminals" are put in isolated prison cells until they "die," but they actually get a new personality instead Does every variable need to be statistically significant in a regression model? Boss gave me attitude for answering someone's sick call Is it possible to have multiple class acti...
"Criminals" are put in isolated prison cells until they "die," but they actually get a new personality instead Suggestion for catching a flight with short layover in Paris Does Potent Spellcasting (Druid) work with Shillelagh? Travelling back to UK with ~ 3months left on EU passport C...
You have to change your name. What name do you choose? You have just been locked up for a lengthy prison term. Who is the first person you write a letter to? Who would you be most excited to get a postcard from? Only one TV show/series can air for the next 10 years, and you...
Lil' Wayne. Prison Break 2.0. Rite Thru Me. Lil'Wayne的. 越狱2.0. 爱色丽通过我. ... dressin and you start leavin and i start cryin and i start screamin the heavy breathin but whats the reason always get the reaction you one that im actually frontin im askin you somethin yo answer ...
Prowl is in his office at Rodion, working on several cases. There are quite a few things to concern himself with. Of course there was the explosion at that clinic in Iacon, with a list of suspects including Blast Off, who is wanted for several reasons al
“I want to thank you for your assistance, patience and promptness in setting up my NFA Gun Trust and submitting suppressor application packets to the BATF. It was a big plus that questions, trust and transaction were done via phone and internet. You are someone that believes in our Second...
We have compiled for you in this category a selection of some of the very weird questions to ask a guy. These are some stupid questions you may ask someone at any given moment when you’re out and about. 1. What fun activity from your childhood has been completely ruined for kids today...
Would you accept a stranger’s offer to give your family a million dollars in exchange for ten years in prison? Would you ever start a romantic relationship if you knew you’d be breaking up in three years? Would you believe an authority figure if they accused one of your loved ones of...