Before getting to know other people, it is important for you to get to know yourself first. Check out our 100 questions to ask yourself!
The Questions to Ask Yourself to Stay PositiveEveryone faces difficulties from time to time. It's a natural part of the cycle of life.Sometimes the difficulties come from situations out of our control. In life, we cannot change theresult. We can, however, choose the emotion and meaning we...
my eighth-grade class was assigned to read "The Bluest Eye," Morrison's first book. Instantly, the book challenged me to ask hard questions. Why does Pecola Breedlove, this young Black girl at the center of the book, why did she want blue eyes?
by analyzing who I was and what I wanted to be.?And there are three questions I ask myself about everything I do,?whether its running for office or starting a business;?when I decided to start the New Georgia Project?to register people to vote;?or when I started the latest action, ...
That’s right, buying your first flat requires quite a bit of self-awareness, or you’ll be walking into a place that ticks all the right boxes, for someone else. So ask yourself these questions before you begin the search. Who is staying?
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Every EveningOur minds are some of the busiest places in the known universe. It is estimated that, under a deceptively calm exterior, some 70,000 separate thoughts hurry through consciousness from the mo...
四)The Questions to Ask Yourself to Stay PositiveEveryone faces difficulties from time to time. It's a naturalpart of the cycle of life. Sometimes, the difficulties come fromsituations out of our control. In life, we cannot change theresult. We can, however, choose the emotion and meaning...
6. How am I taking care of myself?Am I disciplining my eating, sleeping and exercising habits? 7.Am I kind to people who are less fortunate than Ior do I look down on them and even take advantage of them? Do I treat them as I want to be treated? Do I encourage them to move ...
To forge personal growth and pave the way to be your best self, ask yourself these 10 questions daily: 1.What values inform the way I live my life and mydecision-making?Our values directly guide our behaviors and actions. They are unconditional and have no contingencies. If ...
hopefully these questions helped you realize whether the spark is no longer there or if it’s just another hurdle you have to jump over. Ultimately the decision is up to you and you should do everything that feels right. What are some other questions you would ask yourself before considering...