If you've been told you need spine surgery, it's smart to get a second opinion. Here are questions to ask any surgeon to help decide where to be treated. Q: Do they have spine surgery specialists? A: "For any problem, you want a team that specializes in that surgery, because more...
Before considering plastic surgery ask yourself if you’re healthy enough (most people are great candidates for plastic surgery in terms of health) and get your BIMC plastic surgeon to give you a thorough assessment (you will need to disclose your entire medical history). Remember, y...
Ask Before Hiring a Home Inspector More iStockPhoto You might need to do a little inspecting of your own to find the right person to inspect your home. As the weather warms up and open houses attract prospective buyers, hiring a home inspector can provide negotiating leverage for the buyer...
Welcome to the 7 critical questions to ask any surgeon before letting them touch you. Since its publication, this short guide by Dr. Sam Speron has helped thousands of patients like you to safely navigate the world of cosmetic surgery. It has just been updated and a bonus section, Applying ...
consumers new resources, including books and web sites, to help them become better able to talk to and ask questions of their surgeons prior to surgery. A discussion of the important role question asking plays in the prevention of surgical errors and complications is presented.Landro...
* What are the most importantQuestions to Ask When Selecting an FUEsurgeon? *Why So Many Graftsin your surgical estimate? I was told by another doctor I only need 1000 grafts to fill my hairline. * Whyam I Too Young for Surgery?
How often will I have to take my medicines?Ask the doctor to explain when to take your drugs, how to take them, and what to do if you miss a dose. Will I need surgery?You might have it to remove damaged tissue. It can help youbreathemore easily. Ask your doctor if it’s right...
There will be advantages and disadvantages to any treatment, but it is important you should know as much as possible. You should ask about their track record with the treatment and what their rate of common complications is. You should ask who will be your long term contact in the ...
Have you had transition surgery or treatments? However, employers can askWhat’s your gender?—If it’s a proven job requirement. Marital or Family Status / Pregnancy Questions about pregnancy,plans for family, children, and child care are illegal job interview questions. Can an employer ask ab...
12 questions to ask your surgeon 1:Please describe the operation in detail. How long will it take? 2:What are the risks during the operation? 3:Will the surgery cure the problem, or merely slow it down? 4. For breast cancer - will the surgeon get good margins?