Need a second opinion on Cancer? Talk to expert oncologists Private & Confidential Audio Calls Free follow-ups Consult with an oncologist Online now The question asked on this page is a free question. You can ask a free health question by downloading the Practo app. Recently Asked Questions...
” (yes, it does), or “will I suffer from fatigue?” (likely so), and “does it contribute to lymphedema?” (it does), there are important questions you need to ask your radiation oncologist before you accept treatment. 10 Questions to Ask Your Oncologist Before Accepting Radiation ...
Maurie Markman, MD, one of the meeting’s course directors, said the content would appeal to medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, surgeons, and any other healthcare professionals who work with patients diagnosed with gynecologic cancers. Markman, who is senior vice president for Clinical ...
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, acknowledged Wednesday, adding that if his daughters were still young, he’d also ask the same questions that parents should ask about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.“Children statistically, when they ge...
If you feel you wish to carry on working, as long as your oncologist agrees, there is no reason why you should not continue with your normal daily routine throughout your course of treatment. However do ask if you need advice. What Will Happen When My Treatment Has Finished?
Respected dr, I recently got a big red lump may be a cyst or a zit.. on my face near eye on cheek. I have attached my pic. It is very painful to touch and feels warm. I am using aziderm 10% . Please tell me what to do about it. As pain is worsening and it is growing fa...
5. If you suspect you have symptoms of LE, who do you go to first with your concerns? (PCP, oncologist, surgeon, other?) It depends who you are seeing for your survivorship care. Often it’s the surgeon or radiation oncologist, but any medical provider, including PCP, ...
have written to ask about eyelids specifically. I so appreciate various recommendations and am trying some that i didn't already know about,e.g. the hair dryer seems to help with itching! I have also gotten help with itching from Benadryl itch Stopping Spray ...
Visit oncologist ... Read More My sil having cyst in ovaries ..? Do she need only chst removal or entire ovaries.. if in that case who we need to contact og or laproscopic surgeon for this removal Asked for Female, 26 Years 68 Views Dr. Lavina Batra Gynecologist | Pune Pls...