Make sure you understand the fee structure the lawyer will charge. Ask if they provide a free initial consultation so you can determine whether or not you want to use them. Do you have to pay a “retainer” so they can start working on your behalf? Don’t leave any questions unanswered ...
When searching for a truck accident lawyer or law firm, be sure to ask them specifics, such as the percentage of cases they won or the case results they have generated. Reviewingclient testimonialsand reviews can give you a better picture of what it is like to work with a certain attorney...
When speaking with a potential lawyer, ask about the results of similar cases they have worked on. If you were injured in a semi-truck accident, you might not want to hire a personal injury attorney who has only worked on workplace injury lawsuits. You can also ask for references or test...
Justia Ask a Lawyer is a forum for consumers to get answers to basic legal questions. Any information sent through Justia Ask a Lawyer is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis only. The use of this website to ask questions or receive answers does not create an attorney...
Ask to meet the staff.Question #7: What are your fees and how are they calculated?Make sure you understand your payment responsibilities before you hire a lawyer. Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingent-fee basis, meaning your fee is based on a percentage of the recovery....
What is declaratory judgment? What is the process to follow if two similar complaints regarding declaratory judgment motions are filed? Do I need a lawyer to file a declaratory judgment? Get answers to all your questions by asking Lawyers on JustAnswer n
10. What steps should we take to protect the business from potential employment discrimination claims? Before you seek legal advice, you'll want to ask about their knowledge of employment discrimination. So much of what you’re trying to do by working with an employment lawyer is to protect ...
Will I go to jail for a DUI? Finding The Right Lawyer Questions to ask your lawyer General FAQ about What is, America's premier online legal news source, is the anchor publication ofOnline Legal Mediaand has been on...
I would choose to be the character Atticus Finch from the book To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus is a lawyer who is intelligent, courageous, and morally upright. He accepts the difficulties of his circumstances but still stands up for what is right through his actions and words. As...
What Questions Should I Ask When Hiring A Divorce Lawyer?Question #1: How much experience do you have handling divorces similar to mine? … [ Read More ]What Are Common Misconceptions About Prenuptial Agreements?Misconception #1: Prenuptial agreements are only for wealthy people. Misconception #2:...