Outsourcing cardiology care services is an excellent choice, but many cardiologists wonder why they pursue it. Here are five questions to ask your potential Cardiology Billing partner to get a good solution in your practice. Questions to Ask Your Potential Cardiology Billing Partner Here is...
Attached my echo report. Asked for Male, 34 Years 2400 Views Dr. Abhinav Chhabra Cardiologist | New Delhi 2/3 people found this helpful Dehydration can lead to increased heart rate ... Read More Dear doctor I have used amytryptline hydrochloride for sleep for days And after one ...
Dr. Purneshwar Kumar PandeyCardiologist|New Delhi Nothing to worry..mild Mr and mild tr is found in normal people..so Don't worry...Read More Endometrial thickness 0.37 cm on the day 14 after medical abortion . My cycle is irregular. Sometimes 30 days and sometimes 38 days . Is my end...
Dr. Manpreet Singh SaloojaCardiologist|Ludhiana If his growth is proper, taking good feed and no chest congestion or cough then wait Regular echo 3-6 months Usually closes by 6 months to 1 yr...Read More What does stomach polyp 4mm in size indicate ? It was found during endoscopy followi...
First day suddenly she felt uneasy and after ... Asked for Female, 60 Years 83 Views Dr. Rupesh Santosh Agrawal Cardiologist | Nagpur Get echo n ECG done. That ll help in diagnosis ... Read More Greetings sir I have small doubt I have a dimond blood pressure machine and ...
My heart rate has definitely increased after I had covid 2 years back otherwise it used to be in normal range. Is there anything concerning, should I get my checkup done. Asked for Female, 29 Years 398 Views Dr. Abhay Somani Interventional Cardiologist | Pune Yes u can get a ...
Dr. Saurabh Dhariya Cardiologist | Navi Mumbai 1/1 people found this helpful There are changes in ecg Need to further evaluation with cardiac enzymes and 2decho ... Read More Hi I have vomiting sensation frequent in day time... two weeks before I had fever for two days I was not...
Dr. Dhananjay ZutshiCardiologist|Pune 1/1people found this helpful Normal size of Aortic root depends upon your height, weight and age For age of 27 years, 36 mm Aortic root size appears to be a bit more...Read More Dr sorry for this question But what is normal size of erected penis...
3 months bank had this issue, volt and echo are normal., please suggest Asked for Male, 42 Years 290 Views Dr. Sivabal V Cardiologist | Thiruvananthapuram Pricking pain and left upper side doesn't point to cardiac pain. Don't worry as your ECHO and Holter tests were normal. .....
I have general Anxiety sometimes YESTERDAY WENT TO CARDIOLOGIST TO CHECK ABOUT MY HEAART HEALTH i did ecg echo and TMT all came negative but doctor gave me INDERAL 10MG 1 TIME MORNING because my heart rate is high in Ecg 106 Bpm . i was anxious while taking Ecg that time but in home ...