Do I still have to buy Power BI Premium to get access to Power BI Embedded? No, Power BI Embedded includes the Azure-based capacity that you need to deploy and distribute your solution to customers. What's the purchase commitment for Power BI Embedded?
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Solved: Dear, There are two question about the Power BI: 1.I can't configure the Datasets (including Gateway connection ,Data source credentials ,
After Q&A displays your results, keep the conversation going. Use the interactive features of the visual and of Q&A to uncover more insights.Related contentGo to Q&A for Power BI business users See Basic concepts for the Power BI service business user More questions? Ask the Power BI Community...
Related content APPLIES TO:Power BI service forbusiness usersPower BI service for designers & developersPower BI DesktopRequires Pro or Premium license Words and terminology that Q&A recognizes The list of keywords on this page isn't exhaustive. The best way to see if Power BI recognizes a keywo...
Related content APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI service In theTeach Q&Asection of Q&A setup, you train Q&A to understand natural-language questions and terms that it hasn't recognized. To begin, you submit a question that contains a word or words that Q&A didn't recognize. Q&A then...
When the data refreshes in the cube, you would like to see it immediately in the Power BI report. How should you connect?A. ImportB. Connect liveC. Direct Query B. Connect live What can you do to improve performance when you are getting data in Power BI?A. Do some calculations in ...
Hello, Power Apps professionals, I need your help on a matter. I am trying to embed Power BI reports into a model-driven (Dynamics 365
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