deterministic automata/ decision questionspushdown machinesequivalenceambiguitysingle-valuednessmonotonicityacceptorsdeterministic pushdown transducersdecidable ambiguity problemCertain decision questions (e.g., equivalence, ambiguity, single-valuedness, monotonicity, etc.) concerning pushdown transducers and acceptors ...
Demonstrate that there exists a pushdown automata that recognises the following language. {win{0,1}*||w|=2k+1wk+1=0for somekinZ≥0} You should provide a short explanation of why your pushdown machine is correct, there is no need to forma...
We show Sigma^1_1-completeness of weak bisimilarity for PA (process algebra), and of wek simulation preorder/equivalence for PDA (pushdown automata), PA and PN (Petri nets). We also show Pi^1_1-hardness of weak omega-trace equivalence for the sub(classes) of BPA (basic process algebra...