The HCF of two or more numbers is the greatest number that divides each of them exactly. The LCM of two or more numbers is the smallest of the common multiples of those numbers. Learn more about how to find the HCF and LCM in this article.
CAT Questions/Number Systems: HCF and LCM ACAT Number systems question that appears in the Quantitative Aptitude section of the CAT Exam broadly tests an aspirant on the concepts - factors, HCF and LCM, base system & remainders of the above mentioned concepts. In CAT Exam, one can generally...
For example, 15 is the LCM of 3 and 5. To solve LCM of numbers there are two methods. They are 1. Factorization method 2. Division method 1. Factorization Method In this method, just like HCF, you have to write the numbers in the standard form. Then the product of prime numbers ...
HCF/LCM AP/GP AM/GM/HM Central Tendency (Mean/Median/Mode) Average Ratio and Proportion Percentage 2. Algebra: Equation In-Equation Quadratic Equation 3. Time, Speed and Distance 4. Work and Time 5. Profit and Loss Read More : QA Study material - Important Concepts and Formula...
Volume and Surface Chain Rule Probability Clock Permutation and Combination Square Root and Cube Root Height and Distance Problems on Numbers Problems on HCF and LCM Calendar Surds and Indices Logical Reasoning Number Series Direction Sense Test Seating Arrangement Coding Decoding Non Verbal Reasoning Syll...
LCM, HCF, remainders, divisors, multiples, indices, prime factorization, odd and even numbers, factorials and unit digits of numbers. Percentage 17 Problems in Questionbank Percentages to fraction or decimal conversion and the vice versa. Word problems in percentages. Easy topic. Profits 15 TANCET...
An interesting GMAT Problem Solving question from Number Properties & Number Theory. It tests your understanding of LCM and HCF and certain key results regarding LCM and HCF of two or more numbers. Question If the LCM of two numbers a …Continue Readingabout GMAT Number Properties LCM HCF ...
LCM HCF Quantity Train Fraction to decimal 20 EVS Changpa tribe is found in Which animal left there heard at at age 14-15 yr NCC Day Which site not belongs to Indus Valley National institute of Mountaineering Fruit Variety coastal area Homotrophs- Plants insectiside vacuum tube Iodine tes...
Since you have learned all the details about modulus function and how to plot the graph for such functions, practice some questions given below based on it. If y = 2x +1 is a modulus function, plot the graph for it If f(x) = tan x is a modulus function, show the function graphical...