Preschoolers: “What do we call this crazy swimming creature?” by Reader | May 1, 2019 | 2019, Animals, correspondence, Questions and Answers, Reader, Uncategorized | 3 | My preschool class, 4 & 5 year olds, and I were watching this video about creatures living... Read More Watch ...
Trees and leaves, sun and light, water, animals, and sound are five recurring images inOf Mice and Men. The trees, leaves, sun, light, and water images in chapter 1 establish an Edenic paradise where the cares of the world disappear. It is where Lennie and George spend the night before...
so write down by yourselves anything relevant to this concept and then compare your notes with your classmates’. Perhaps from this activity you can find out different values of “home” in different people’s lives. Finding “Home” Poems: Search more poems about home, including...