Night Examples of irony in Elie Wiesel's Night Examples of irony in Elie Wiesel's Night include the initial disbelief of the townspeople about the Nazi threat, despite Moshe the Beadle's warnings. Another instance is the prisoners' optimism upon... ...
QUESTION 1 How is the motif of eyes used by Wiesel to characterize the personalities of the people in the camps? How is the motif of eyes used to show the impact of life in the camps? QUESTION 2 How do the small joys and kindnesses that Elie describes in the camps illustrate the them...
Reading Questions and Vocabulary for NightBy Elie WieselName: ___Date: ___Class: ___Please be sure to bring thiLament
Elie Wiesel's Night Elie Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928, in Sighet, Transylvania. He grew up with three sisters and had a strong interest in religious studies. In 1944, Nazis forced Jews who resided in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to relocate to labor and death camps in Poland....
What Did Elie’s Father’s Neighbors Do to Him? A Elie Wiesel is sent to the concentration camp with his father. The dad later dies of dysentery and physical abuse. In the book Night, Elie describes how his father’s neighbors, caring... ...