A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. ∙Have you ever been abroad? ∙Where have you been? ∙Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? oIf so, where? oWho with? oHow long will you stay?∙Are you afraid of going abroad alone? ∙...
5. Do we need one servo per function on an airplane? So, it goes like this: Prop-1 servo, Rudder- 1 servo, ailerons- 2 servos (1 for each wing)? , and any misc servos for extra functions...such as xport or combat, or night flight etc... Correct? So then, where does the...
There are other items such as nuts, dried fruit and some vegetables that are incredible pricey as well - think $12 USD for a small tin of sliced almonds. I'm not kidding. When I first moved here, I kept my iPhone on airplane mode and just purchased dat...