Synonyms for questioning in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for questioning. 16 synonyms for questioning: curious, inquiring, inquisitive, investigative, disbelieving, incredulous, skeptical, unbelieving, inquiring, quizzical, doubting. What are synonyms for qu
as in ponderingto give serious and careful thought to question your motives before you file the lawsuit: do you really care about the trees, or are you just trying to harass the neighbors?Synonyms & Similar Words pondering debating considering contemplating studying entertaining weighing ...
Chinese synonyms:怀疑的,怀疑论,质疑,质疑的,怀疑论的,怀疑,怀疑性的,怀疑性 Synonyms:doubting,sceptical,skeptical (名) As a noun A request for information. Synonyms:inquiring New Search 中文» EnglishPinyin » 中文English » 中文字 » Char. Detail字 » Etymology ...
Define questioning. questioning synonyms, questioning pronunciation, questioning translation, English dictionary definition of questioning. n. 1. A sentence, phrase, or gesture that seeks information through a reply. 2. a. A subject or point that is unde
Define line of questioning. line of questioning synonyms, line of questioning pronunciation, line of questioning translation, English dictionary definition of line of questioning. Noun 1. line of questioning - an ordering of questions so as to develop a
First God waits until Moses has traveled far from his home. Although many English translations skip the wordaharand just say Moses led his flock into the wilderness, Moses’ home (in his father-in-law’s encampment) is probably already in themidbar. The Midianites were nomadic tribes living...
The meaning of QUESTIONING is the activity or process of asking questions; often : judicial interrogation. How to use questioning in a sentence.
1.To examine by questioning formally or officially. See Synonyms atask. 2.ComputersTo transmit a signal for setting off an appropriate response. [Middle Englishenterrogate, from Latininterrogāre, interrogāt-:inter-,in the presence of; seeinter-+rogāre,to ask; seereg-inIndo-European roots....