love to explore nature is ki meaning on Urdu kiya hai What is the gender of "مکالمه"? can someone tell me the most commonly used urdu insults/curse words in pakistan and their meaning. is there anyone catch "kutchi" speaker who could help me with cutchi and i will...
What's the real meaning of "Pakli buto" in Kapampangan? I saw a video talking about it and the comments are implying that it means something else. What does niyo ang kayo mean in English? I almost always hear "pa rin"...but started to notice pa din... "pa rin" = still the sa...
Mike Marcelais has used his impressive skills to find the source code for the questions and their answers, he's got a zip file here that contains text files for each language, I'm going to put the US English answers in here as before to keep up with the WT and my solutions.Huge ...
1. What's the main idea of this passage?(no more than 15 words 2. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.(no more than 8 words) 3.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning with the following? The newly-invented Question Box works with the help of...
‘beach’ in English and ‘beechwala’ in Hindi. On one side of the beach is the sea and on the other side land. Sometimes at full moon the entire beach gets covered with water and at other times that same beach becomes a part of the land. That is why it is seen as marginal. ...
On the right-side panel, you can also select the type of label that will determine the meaning of the extreme points on the scale. SelectCustomto insert your labels. NPS Scale ( available with certain plans) Calculate the Net Promoter Score® by assessing participant likelihood to recommend...
1. What's the main idea of this passage? (no more than 15 words 2. Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words. (no more than 8 words) 3.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning with the following?
of one country. There was no huge difference between their customs. In spite of all these common things, religious fervor had provided them such a strong base for nationalism which altogether made the Muslims and everything different from Hindus. It is clear ...
Hindi Microbiology..etc Question papers are available in English and Tamil Medium Download Sample papers 3 sets of sample question papers in latest pattern can be downloaded in pdf format from the following links Complete previous year papers and answer keys for TN Plus Two Exam can be downloaded...
English (UK) Basically your gut feeling, the option you feel most strongly for and are most likely to choose. For example, if you're in a dangerous place, your instinct will probably tell you to find a safer spot to get out of that place. Basically your gut feeling, the option you...