Hope this helps. Also, the values in the BMC boot table can be changed using instructions similar to the ones provided here: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/KeystoneII_Boot_Examples#Running_Ethernet_examples Refer:Fixing issue with BMC firmware ...
Next, it’s time to fine-tune the layout by scrolling to the ‘Layout’ section. Here, you’ll see that AnsPress shows the user’s Gravatar in a few different places, including next to questions, answers, and comments. You can change the size of these avatars by typing into the differe...
This query is part of a PHP web application that our company uses internally for logging incidents on our machines. We have about 20000 rows inServerEventLogsand 3000 rows inIncidents. The following query takes about 800 ms, which is too slow for a responsive UI, since we would usually hav...
Deleted ask-form.php Added recpatcha field and deprecated few functions. Improved question processing Improved upload field Added new form library Fixed reputation re-count Replace post-message tags with postMessage Fixed html tags ap-comments to apComments and post-actions to postActions ...
There are two possible reasons. The first one is straight forward and related to NPP’s electioneering strategy. NPP is not a party that believes in an armed struggle to capture power. If that were the case it would have spelt out the solution in the open and promised to execute it throu...
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/siliconguide/qa/threadtable.php on line 32Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/siliconguide/qa/threadtable.php on line 30...
please keep reporting it this is not me https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083841891955 Shakealot 26-30, F 8 replies 129 views | 1 y + 1 Upset Facebook Decided to delete facebook no longer useful lonewolflegends 26-30, M 3 replies 44 views | 1 y + 2 Positive ...
Saw a question in https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4439943&postcount=1 add a note to a particular word and then have that note show up for each mention of the word in the book I would love a feature like that, so I'm thin...
Hints :How to display MySQL error in PHP, PHP MySql error, Troubleshoot PHP MySql error, techqura.com post Sneak peek :How to display a MySQL error in PHP ? The mysqli_error() function is identical to the corresponding mysqli_errno() function in every way, except inste... Search Eng...
Code is tested on the minimum supported PHP and WordPress versions User interface changes have been tested on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari "Needs Documentation" label is added if this change requires updates to documentation ...