Define question of law. question of law synonyms, question of law pronunciation, question of law translation, English dictionary definition of question of law. Noun 1. question of law - a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to de
Definition of Question in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Question? Meaning of Question as a legal term. What does Question mean in law?
Define questionee. questionee synonyms, questionee pronunciation, questionee translation, English dictionary definition of questionee. n a person who is questioned Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollin
The question of regional autonomy has never been resolved. La questione dell'autonomia regionale non è mai stata risolta. questionn(law: controversy)questione, controversianf The question before the court today is whether habeas corpus applies here. ...
— question of law : a question that depends on an examination of law rather than fact, is decided by a judge rather than by a jury, and may be examined on appeal 3 : a proposition submitted to a vote (as in a referendum) More...
Law. a controversy that is submitted to a judicial tribunal or administrative agency for decision. the interrogation by which information is secured. Obsolete.judicial examination or trial. the act of asking or inquiring; interrogation; query. ...
UNMIXING THE MIXED QUESTIONS: A FRAMEWORK FOR DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN QUESTIONS OF FACT AND QUESTIONS OF LAW IN CONTRACTUAL INTERPRETATION Comerica Bank (2001) when stating, "Without any affirmative evidence of grossly negligent conduct, plaintiff is left with relying on speculation and conjecture, which...
This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law. The authenticity of the painting has been thrown into question. The safety of the system has recently come into question. His ability has never been called into question. question as to/about something I did have some questions as...
concept still in use scholarship and jurisprudence法律体系.Comprehensive reviews of the lawliterature by some scholars indicatethat are almost as many definitions of law as there are theorists.Hoebel③(1954:18) comments that “toseek a definition of the legal is like the quest for the Holy Grail...
He provides an overview of any measure of justice for the victims dedicated to its judicial officers. He notes that Khmer Rouge remain a military force.PetitRobertEBSCO_AspCase Western Reserve Journal of International Law